Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I hate commas. I can't ever figure out where they go. Is it before "but" or after? Is it before "which" or after?

I'm told to put them where I naturally pause when I speak. I think I speak wrong because I don't pause where the comma is supposed to go.

I have Strunk and White's Elements of Grammar and Elements of Style. I have read Woe is Me. I still can't get it.

I hear publishers don't have time to line edit anymore. So when the time comes, I need to find someone who can. If I don't, I may annoy a lot of readers.

I can see it now. A reviewer writes, "Great story but the commas detract from reading it." Should there have been a comma after 'but'? Before it? UGH!



  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Don't worry about the commas until you have a finished draft. If you get hung up on them, they'll distract you from what's really important--the story. You can study up on comman usage later.

    By the way, the optional comma would come before the conjunction "but:" "Great story, but the commas..."

  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Jenna Harte said…

    Hi Amy,
    Thanks for the advice. I just hope I can get them right during the rewrite:)

    Thanks for visiting!

  • At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also have a hard time with commas. I either don't have enough or to many.

    When I check out the Elements of Grammer and Elements of Style I always seem to get more confused. of these days it will click!

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Jenna Harte said…

    Hi Stnkbll,
    I know what you mean about reading Strunk and White. I have the same problem with any grammar book. It sort of makes sense when I read it, I just can't seem to apply the rules correctly!

    Thanks for posting.


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