Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Hook - The first step to getting published

I haven't written in a few days...not on this blog and not on my book. Bad me. And remember, I was supposed to have a draft done by now. Still, I did write about 6000 words last week. Since I can't write full time, I'm going to give myself a pat on the back for that.

I did start to work on a synopsis. I've been reading Give 'Em What they Want by Blythe Camenson and Marshall J. Cook. In the synopsis section, the authors indicate that some writers write the synopsis first as part of their outline. Since I know my story pretty well I thought I'd work on the synopsis and maybe it would help me with the full draft.

The problem was, I couldn't write the first line, the HOOK. According to the authors, if you can't write the hook then you probably don't have a book. Ut oh! After hours of angst and reflection, I decided that I do have a book and I can write a hook. What I'm struggling with is a really good hook. You know, something snappy and catchy.

I haven't given up yet. I've been reading other "hooks" and checking out the book descriptions from the romance book club mailer to help me out.

I have to get this because if I don't, my whole career is down the tubes before it starts! Wish me luck!



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